Digital Ditox Month
This campaign aims to encourage residents to reduce their
screen time, improve their mental and physical well- being
and foster stronger interactions through a variety of offline
activities and events.
20 June 2024 – 20 July 2024
Has Your Screen Timing Increased?
Numbers Speak For Themselves!
What is Digital Ditox?
At Ditox, we value technology and encourage its use but we believe it should not control our lives.
Our goal is to help people take charge of their digital habits and make mindful choices.
A digital detox refers to a period of time when a person refrains from using tech devices such as smartphones, televisions, computers, tablets, and social media sites. “Detoxing” from digital devices is often seen as a way to focus on real-life social interactions without distractions. By forgoing digital devices, at least temporarily, people can let go of the stress that stems from constant connectivity.
Reasons for a Digital Detox
There are many reasons why you might want to give up your mobile phone and other devices for a brief time. You might want to enjoy time to yourself without the interference that your phone and other devices create. In other cases, you might feel like your device use has become excessive and is adding too much stress to your life.
Technology Can be Stressful
While people often feel that they can't imagine life without their tech devices, research and surveys have found that technology use can also contribute to stress.
Digital Devices Can Disrupt Sleep
Evidence also suggests that heavy device use, particularly prior to bedtime, can interfere with sleep quality and quantity.
Heavy Device Use May Be Linked to Mental Health Concerns
Constant Connectivity Affects Work/Life Balance
That feeling of always being connected can make it difficult to create boundaries between your home life and work life.
Social Comparison Makes It Hard to Be Content
You might find yourself thinking that everyone else seems to be leading a fuller, richer, or more exciting life based on the tiny, curated glimpse you see on their Instagram or Facebook posts.
Digital Connectivity Can Make You Feel Like You’re Missing Out
Fear of missing out, known as FOMO, is the fear that you are missing the experiences that everyone else is having.
You need Digitox if..
Do you keep forwarding general messages to individuals/groups?
You hear the ringtone of the phone, when in actuality the phone is not ringing.
You always look out for notifications from social media.
While having food/before going to bed/after getting up in the morning you have the urge to check the phone.
How to Do a Digital Detox
Set Clear Goals
Keping a time limit and having control over use of online platforms, trying to reconnect with loved ones.
Plan Activities
Plan Activities such as reading book, travelling or spending time in hobbies.
Spend Time Outdoors
Reconnect with nature by spending time outdoors, whether it's gardening, hiking, or simply taking a walk.
Exercise Regularly
Physical activity can help reduce stress and improve mood, making it an essential part of your detox.
Establish Boundaries
Set boundaries with yourself and others regarding digital use to maintain balance in the long term.
Limit Screen Exposure
If you happen to use online platforms a lot, set strict limits and stick to them.
Don't Bring Devices to your bed
Keep digital devices out of the bedroom to promote better sleep hygiene.
Don't Ignore Boundaries
Respect the boundaries you've established with yourself and others regarding digital use.
Don't Replace Screens with Other Addictions
Avoid substituting digital devices with other addictive behaviours like drinking or excessive eating.
There are some things that you can do to ensure that your digital detox is more successful:
- Let your friends and family know that you are on a digital detox and ask for their help and support.
- Find ways to stay distracted and keep other activities on hand.
- Delete social media apps from your phone to reduce temptation and easy access.
- Try getting out of the house; go to dinner with friends or go for a walk when you are tempted to use your device.
- Keep a journal to track your progress and write down your thoughts about the experience.