
What Is A Digital Detox?

A Digital Detox Refers To A Period Of Time During Which A Person Refrains From Using Electronic Devices Connected To The Internet, Such As Smartphones And Computers. Moreover, A Digital Detox Is An Opportunity To Reduce Stress And Focus More On Interaction With Others. And It Can Also Help Prevent Addiction To Tech Devices.

In Addition, A Digital Detox Provides Time To Experience Nature, Get Physical Exercise, And Practice Mindfulness. Unplugging On A Regular Basis Helps Us Maintain A Healthy Balance Between Irl (“In Real Life”) Activities And The Digital World.

Ultimately, A Digital Detox Is A Way To Disconnect To Reconnect.

“Detox” is a term borrowed from the practice of holistic healing. The idea of a fast or a detox has been around for a long time. Detox, or more appropriately, detoxification, is the process by which your body rids itself of those things that are harmful or no longer needed. 

It’s a natural process. But sometimes detoxification needs some time and space to work. A purposeful detox is an opportunity for your natural resiliency to heal and replenish your mind, body, and spirit.

Detoxification is a natural process

Detoxification is constantly happening in your body. You don’t need to do anything special to make it happen. Even so, there are times when your lifestyle choices, environment, or an illness stresses your body.  As a result, your body is unable to keep up with the toxins and you can become vulnerable to infection and illnesses. You may also just feel lethargic or slip into foul moods. Luckily, you can help your body detoxify by controlling those conditions that are producing the stress. You can also intentionally feed your mind, body, and spirit though fasting and other holistic healing techniques. The goal of a detox, often called a cleanse or fast is to minimize the things your body has to process in order to free it up to do what it does naturally.

Digital Detox

Much like a food-based or digestive detox, a digital detox is designed to reduce the stress, overstimulation, and compulsive behaviors associated with the use of technology. Common digital stressors include:

  • High amounts of screen time
  • Excessive consumption of media and entertainment
  • Excessive consumption of online content
  • Immersion in highly digital environments
  • Unhealthy relationships with devices and virtual settings
  • High levels of smart-phone use
  • Periods of prolonged digital connectivity

A digital detox, sometimes referred to as a media fast, content fast, or technology detox, will help bring your mind, body, and spirit back into balance.

A digital detox is the purposeful process of absolute or conditional abstinence from some (or all) of the technology present in your life for a specific period of time to restore balance and thus overall well-being.

A Digital Detox or digital fast can take many forms. No matter which you choose, periodically unplugging from technology may be one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. We will get into the details in the section on how to do a digital detox, but first, let’s look at why you need a digital detox.

A social media detox is one type of incremental or selective digital detox. Though we recommend the more comprehensive approaches to a digital detox, there is still much to gain from eliminating the demands of social media. You can also opt to eliminate things like texting, TV, or Internet browsing. You should start with whatever is the greatest source of stress and/or consumer of your time. Choose a period of time when you will disengage completely from all social media. The longer the time period, the better the results. Start with a day. Then try a week. Try to work up to a month. Once you have grown accustomed to going offline with social media, you can incrementally incorporate other aspects of technology and media use into those periods of tech and media fast. Eventually, you may find that the digital detox immersion approach is within reach.

What to Expect from a Digital Detox?

Some initial challenges and thoughts on doing a digital detox :

The tough parts:

  • You will feel uncomfortable at first
  • The desire to quit will be strong, but taper off over time
  • Other people may pressure you to quit
  • Some people will get annoyed with you
  • You will feel disconnected and perhaps even more alone at first
  • You will feel like you are missing out
  • Boredom may tempt you, but you will find other things to do

The good parts:

  • You will become aware of how you use technology 
  • You will start to feel a new sense of strength
  • Sleep will come easier and be higher quality
  • Your mind will be more clear and focused
  • You will have less anxiety and stress
  • The blues will be less frequent
  • You will be more creative
  • You will develop better conversation skills
  • Eye contact will come naturally
  • You will learn to “just be”
  • Happiness will come easier
  • You will be more engaged
  • Improved memory
  • Longer attention span
  • Better posture
  • You will care less about what other people think
  • People will respond more positively to you
  • More organic and fruitful relationships will form